2023 Morganzo 55: Double Nickels on the Grime

2023 was a nice, mostly smoke-free year for the Morganzo. Thirty-three riders lined up for cool morning start to the 12th annual Morganzo. I think there may even have been a couple more that headed out earlier. There were some racers present and a small pack broke away pretty quickly with the usual groups interspersing out along the route with some folks going fast and some following up at a party-pace.

The Morganzo is a self-supported ride with participants responsible for their own well being, food, water, and tools. This means there are no aid stations on course. But in 2023 there was a rider who had injured themselves earlier in the season and wasn’t riding who took it upon themselves to set up a mid-ride “Fun Station” at the corner of Dry Creek and Bremer Creek roads. what a treat that was to round the corner and find!

Fortunately the legendary Snake Bear that lives on Bremer Creek Road has a fun spirit and didn’t attack any of the riders making use of the tasty treats being handed out at the Fun Station.

Riders came in hot to the end and spread out with their arrival for a goodly amount of time. Everyone the race director saw come through had a smile on their face – albeit a dirty one. Gravel isn’t for people who like clean white gloves and prefer their smiles earned.

To the riders of the 2023 Morganzo 55: Double Nickels on the Grime I say, “thank you”.

Sam H., Directeur Sportif and Chief Instigator of the Morganzo 55.